Bad Merch

The Bad Jew Fam can support the show in numerous ways. Below are some options. Enjoy!

Mazel Tough! Athletic Wear

About the artist, Ayla

The Bad Jew Whatsapp community to me is a fun and safe place to ask all things Jewish. Contrary to the name, you don't have to feel like a Bad Jew for asking all the questions. We get to very casually explore all sides of what being Jewish means to any one person. We get a beautiful learning experience from the various authorities brought in for us to listen and learn from in the podcast and the ability to discuss with a vast range of Jews, from the cultural non-observant to Orthodox. It's a lot of fun to pop in and just listen and learn or add some constructive commentary or questions to the group.

The designs I created here are a symbol for Strong Jews, inspired by Chaz's ideas and Bad Jew. The strong Orthodox Jewish man and woman were created somewhat ironically, clad in both sports outfits and completely covered. You would never see an Orthodox practicing Jewish person in a sports bra and shorts or with their shirt off, boasting an eight pack in public. One might say they are "Bad Jews" for doing such things. The pieces likely to be used in the final merchandise will be fully clothed. In either case, physically it is rare to see Orthodox Jewish body builders and even more rare to see an Orthodox woman showing off her physical strength.

Though they are symbols for strength, spiritually and mentally, the strength of the Jewish people far exceeds any body builder. If our spiritual and mental strength collectively were shown physically, we might all look like The Hulk. The harshness of this world and what we have endured over thousands of years is ingrained in our being. We celebrate the many Jewish holidays every year to remind us what we have overcome, and to remind us to come together as a tribe, as a unite, to continue to strive and thrive as Strong (Bad) Jews!

Hashem Is Dope!

Jewish Humor Accessories